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15/12/2012 Seriously - RGH on a zephyr is super annoying. NOT a good first mod!!! Slim S: Trinity (any dash) S-RGH with Ace V3 OR Muffin CR4 with Matrix or Muffin CR4 with CR Rev C. Best combo of easy mod and a reliable console. If you can, this should be your first RGH: Corona 16mb Nand (any dash) RGH 2.0 with Ace V3 OR Muffin CR4 with Matrix Muffin CR4 Cameron Mods Prices/Custom RGH's. CameronMods. Oct 1st, 2017. 772 . Never . Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text 3.03 KB . raw download clone embed print report. Cameron Mods Prices/Custom RGH's If you have a Slim Trinity or Corona, it’ll be Freeboot (RGH 2.0). If you have a Phat, you need to know whether it’s RGH 1 or 2. If you’re unsure, Dashlaunch will tell you in the bottom right. Always select Freeboot, not ECC. The last thing needed to do, is to select the 17559 Kernel. It …
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Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started Modded Xbox 360 RGH Downloads; About Us. About L321 Mods; Contact Us; My Account. Cart; sponsored by console warehouse Visit Shop get a modded xbox 360 rgh here L321 Mods. At L321 Mods you have the chance to get a superior gaming experience like no other, made possible with our top notch reliable services and products. The best place for stunning and reliable modded RGH xbox consoles … Xbox360lsbest XRPC tool is for RGH/JTAG Consoles ONLY, it is a multi Cod tool which Includes Halo Reach Mods and is FREE. Some Buttons may not work as there has been recent updates for some of the games that it supports. (Halo Reach Still works) Freestyle Dashboard: Freestyle dash is a custom Dashboard where you can view games you have downloaded or onto your Xbox 360 through the Xex menu and run them. You can also rip/download your games onto your Xbox 360 using Dashlaunch (also in Xex menu), run emulators for other consoles, system link with other consoles and much more! Phone: 1-(508)-491-6702 or Email: Support@5k-mods.com: HOME Reviews XBOX KV Keyvaults Flashed LT+ Consoles RGH & JTAG Consoles Xbox LT+ firmware Flashing Service Jtag/XBR Install Service RGH Install Service DVD ROM Repair Service RROD Repair Service Downloads CONTACT US … RGH/JTAG Consoles. High Quality, Real Professional Work. Custom Modded JTAG & RGH Consoles. Aimbot, Mod Menus, Modded Lobby's, Custom Cut outs, LEDs #1 JOIN OUR CHAT FOR SUPPORT & MORE! About Sharky's Customs LLC Welcome to Sharky’s Customs LLC!!!you may know me as @Davisornaw or Mad Shark bite. I started back in 2011 fixing, Log in or Create an account. 0 item … O SÓ RGH GAMES foi criado com o intuito de facilitar a vida do gamer de RGH e também do gamer que não tem conhecimento para conversão de jogos e assim precisando de inúmeros programas para uma tarefa simples. Mas acabou agora temos o SÓ RGH GAMES para sairmos dessa obrigatoriedade chata e viva a liberdade. Os mais Baixados . Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. DLCs pack. Sinopse: Pacote de dlc’s
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